Jillian Michaels 30 day shred review

“A lot of small changes makes a big difference”

Its been about 4 months since i last did some workouts. Life happens and there are always breaks. Although i love working out, if i give even a weeks gap i realize i lose my whole 3 months worth of stamina and its like starting all over again. So here’s me starting all over again and this time with JM 30 day shred, although looked easy to me since I’ve done two rounds of insanity in the past, this one did fairly at bringing my heart rate up a bit however i dint break a sweat 😦 .

Jillian Michaels 30 day shred level 1 :

The warm up is so easy, and then she makes us do the jumping jacks and i’m like “yeah, this is so easy, its gonna be a piece of cake to me” and then at the 4 min mark we do the push ups and i swear i could do 20 easily in the past and i couldn’t do 5 now which made me switch to the beginner version. I started breathing hard when it came to squats with weights, this was the only exercise that made me feel like i’m doing some exercise and the only one that took my heart rate to 160 and i loved doing it. She then does some ab work where my heart rate falls down to 120. Maybe this was her idea but personally i feel i need exercises that keep my heart rate high for a longer period of time.

I liked that she incorporated strength workouts but really the cardio is very less and the ab workouts doesn’t do much.

Pros :

  • Warm up’s and cool down’s are included and are a must to avoid injury
  • Strength training is included

Cons :

  • Doesn’t bring your heart rate high enough. I hardly broke a sweat. I’d rather do elliptical for 30 mins and i’d have probably burned more calories.
  • After i was done i felt like i needed more. There is not much cardio which i feel is needed when your goal is to lose weight.

I’m a petite girl and in 27 mins i burned only 174 calories which feels like a walk in the park.

20140304_114010This is the only month am ever gonna do these workouts, since I’ve already started i’m gonna see to it till the end and see how much of this actually shreds. 🙂

Ciao and keep a clean diet 🙂

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